Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentines day!

The weather may be grim, but don't let it stop you from doing something nice for your loved ones! Granted, I'm not a big fan of Valentines day. I always like to think you don't need one special day a year to make a sweet gesture. On top of that, the only loved ones I treat this time of year are my folks, since my love life has melted down to zero with the increased burden of my education and work. However, in my opinion you don't have to celebrate Valentines with a lover, anyone you like/love will do! But I think I might have found a nice way around it for us singles: don't wait for someone to treat you, treat yourself! If Mohammed won't come to the mountain... So cheer up, grumpy Valentines day-haters, and buy yourself an exquisite dinner or some fabulous shoes! If you won't love yourself who else will? And while you're at it, buy some flowers for your mum (especially if your dad forgot, like mine!). 

And if you are looking for Mister Right, you might want to do some research on how to find him. Who knows, maybe next Valentines you won't be alone ;)

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