Monday, August 25, 2014

Applications, birthday and holiday

Top of the morning to ya (or afternoon depending on where you are)!
After my birthday weekend I thought it time to write another post and small update on my life. Although nothing really exciting has happened lately... I've been mostly busy with PhD applications and doing pre-interviews. These days there are so many people applying they have to do an interview before the actual interview. And when I say many I mean 90+ people for 1 position. At first I was really disappointed to get only 2 replies for the 5 applications I send out, but I'm quickly starting to realize it's not all that bad. But I'm afraid I'm really going to need some more replies, because after two interviews one said she had other candidates more suitable, and the other went so horribly wrong they'll never invite me for a proper interview. I really suck at this *sigh*. Why do they always have to ask such stupid questions during interviews? Like "describe yourself in 5 words" and "why do you want to be in science?". What am I supposed to do with that? I'm here because I want the job!

For all you people out there looking for a job: I now understand and feel your pain. But if you need more good replies to bullshit questions like this have a look here

But my life isn't all shit. I went to the country estate fair at Marienwaerdt with my folks. Even though it was muddy as hell we had an amazing good time, and the weather was awesome!

Find out more about this beautiful estate on their website (in Dutch only, but the pictures are gorgeous)

And of course my birthday was last Saturday the 23th, which started of with a surprise early wake up call from the florist. Thank you Mister N! The flowers are absolutely delightful!

I celebrated the rest of the day with my folks in my favorite city Utrecht! We went for tea and cake to Count Floris (right under the Dom Tour! Check out their website) and decided to do tea and cake there on Thursday after my graduation ceremony as well. 


Yeah, you're wondering about the bras? Me too.. Something feminist from Wageningen. But did those hill billies really have to molest our beautiful canals?! 

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