Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Almost there

In Dutch we have a sort of expression that says “de laatste loodjes zijn het zwaarst”, which I think translates to something of “the last steps are the hardest” (but you can correct me on that one). And now I really know (and feel) the meaning of those words. Every time when I think I’m done with my research report I start doubting and questioning the statistics, and wonder whether my conclusions aren’t completely preposterous. So I change them again, have an endless discussion with my supervisor (or my dad), and change it back again. And then it starts all over again. Its driving me nuts! So right now I think I may be done, but it might change in a couple of minutes. Fortunately, I have the course to take my mind of the report a bit. I’m actually quite enjoying the courses, since I’m hanging out with two friends I haven’t seen in a while, and another girl who is just a ball of energy. She’s actually studying to be a vet, so she brings a nice new view to the projects we’re working on. Only downside is that we have to create two research proposals and make an exam, in only two weeks. Which we sometimes tend to forget a little with conversation, pointless jokes and incredible sunshine outside. The weather is just awesome! Too bad for the awful timing. But on the bright side its only 5 more weeks until I’m flying off to Lisbon! I’m just trying to focus on the holiday, so my mind won’t get stuck on the dreadful task that still lies ahead: the final presentation.. Ugh, and I’m still not registered for those course! When I called the administration, I had the most confusing conversation with the person at the other end, who was apparently abroad. As it turned out, this “person” was the not only the coordinator of the course, but also the master. Oops. So now I have to write a motivation and send in my course list to apply. Something I’ve never had to do before to apply for a course. Something tells me this is not going to end well…

p.s. If you haven’t seen the Great Gatsby you have to go and see it! I command you! Really, it’s awesome, you don’t know what you’re missing. If only it had a happy ending. I would have loved to see them fade out into a sunset or something and leave the evil guy all alone and ruined. I’m just a sucker for happy endings ;) Watch the trailer here!

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