Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Woohoo! Victory dance! I passed Laboratory Animal Science! :D I’m sooooo happy!!!! I was really getting worried, because usually we get the results pretty fast, and not passing this would mean I had one retry for the exam, or else waste 880euro of university money… (O.o) But I didn’t! :D Jeeej! Another victory dance! To celebrate I’m not going to work on the presentation for my current course (stroke is such a fun subject *sarcasm*) and plant my ass in front of the TV and watch the subtitled version of Parades End, starring the lovely Benedict Cumberbatch. I tried watching the series on the BBC (with my mum, she loves him too) but we were completely lost! My English isn’t that bad, but they were muttering under their breath and with thick posh accents, so we didn’t have a clue what the series was about… Other than WWI of course. So tonight we hope to understand what the hell was going on, other than the red-headed woman being a total bitch. We red-heads really do have a nasty side! ;P

With love,

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